BOOST Nation: Town Hall


BOOST NATION: Town Hall meetings are informal public meetings scheduled throughout the conference with national leaders. Everybody in the out-of-school time community is invited to attend, voice their opinions, share issues and challenges, share promising practices, and hear responses from public figures and elected officials about shared subjects of interest in your community.


10:30AM - 12:15PM

Expanding Student Success: State of Expanded Learning in CA
Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Heather Williams, Director, Policy & Outreach, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA; Vanessa Hernandez, Senior Specialist, Policy & Outreach, California AfterSchool Network, Fresno, CA

Join CDE, CAN, and others from the System of Support for Expanded Learning for a rich discussion on California’s current Expanded Learning landscape, including the latest on ELO-P funding, federal policy implications, and the launch of a new strategic design process that leverages this complex landscape to help build thriving communities. Participants will have the opportunity to hear the latest updates from state leadership and engage in dialogue to help shape the future of Expanded Learning.
Strand: BOOST Nation Town Hall; Program Design, Development & Quality, Staff Leadership, Partnerships & Building Relationships, Sustainability

2:45PM - 4:45PM 

Inclusive Policies & Gender Support Plans for Transgender & Non-Binary Youth
Ted Lewis, M.Ed., Director of Youth Well-Being, Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Washington, DC; Lisa Stanton, Development Director/Parent, Havaya Summer Programs / HRCF Parents for Transgender Equality Council, Denver, CO 

Over the last two years, over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced in state houses across the country leaving youth-serving professionals questioning how to best support transgender youth in the current political landscape. Join HRC for a discussion of real-world best policies to support transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive youth and practice creating Gender Support Plans for individualized support including hearing from the parent of a transgender kid why these are so important.
Strand: BOOST Nation Town Hall; Program Design, Development & Quality, Staff Leadership


10:00AM - 12:00PM


1:15PM - 2:30PM

#AfterschoolWorks: Crafting Your Afterschool Message
Jodi Grant, JD, Executive Director; Maria Rizo, Sr. Communications Associate, Afterschool Alliance, Washington DC; Lisa Lucheta, Principal, Torani/R. Torre & Co., San Leandro, CA

How does the 2024 election impact afterschool? This Town Hall will discuss opportunities and challenges our field will face under the Trump administration, the nongovernmental DOGE committee, and at the state level. It will also focus on messaging: what works and what doesn't when communicating about afterschool and how to engage local businesses as advocates and allies.
Strand: BOOST Nation Town Hall; Staff Leadership; Partnerships & Building Relationships; Sustainability

3:45PM - 5:15PM

Activating Youth Development as a Nationally Recognized Field
Tiyana Glenn, MS, Project Manager, Afterschool Alliance, Charlotte, NC; Leslye Lugo, Senior Specialist, Policy & Outreach, California AfterSchool Network, Alameda, CA

What would it look like if Youth Development was a nationally recognized field? Discover the important role and significance of the Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) Code System. Join us to discuss how to raise awareness about the Youth Development field, elevate its visibility, and secure our place within the broader workforce landscape. Learn how you can get involved in advocating for Youth Development and help ensure it is recognized as an essential and impactful profession.
Strand: BOOST Nation Town Hall; Staff Leadership, Partnerships & Building Relationships, Sustainability


9:15AM - 11:15AM

Winning Settlement Dollars to Support Engagement, Community, & Connections in the Age of Social Media
Elizabeth Gaines, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Children's Funding Project, Washington, DC; Erica Lim, Ed.L.D., Senior Program Officer, The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation, Los Angeles, CA; Jennifer Dietrich, MA, Director of Policy, Partnership for Children and Youth, Sacramento, CA; Diana Carrillo, MBA, Vice President of Programs, arc, Torrance, CA 

Children's Funding Project, along with the Afterschool Alliance and CA3, is leading a coalition to ensure potential settlements from social media lawsuits are directed toward youth development programs. The antidote for addictive social media platforms is the abundance of people and programs that protect youth, prevent harm, and promote their well-being. Help us lift up how youth programs support young people in the age of social media, and weigh in on how settlement dollars should be invested.
Strand: BOOST Nation Town Hall; Sustainability

BOOST Nation: Town hall Contact

Have any questions or suggestions for a BOOST Nation: Town Hall meeting?


Melissa Perez

Melissa Perez
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  BOOST sunburst

BOOST Volunteer
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Please note: Name badges are required to attend all BOOST Conference events including all meals and all workshops.

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BOOST Collaborative | 1286 University Ave #739 | San Diego, California 92103 | 619-23-BOOST (619-232-6678)